We are all greatly saddened by the passing of Roy Peters, Jr. this morning. You may have already gotten this news from Charles Peters if you're on his distribution list. For those of you who are not on Charles Peters' email distribution list, here are the details from Charles:
From Charles Peters:
Information that I have concerning the Funeral arrangements for Roy Jr.
Brown Dawson Funeral Home
1350 Millville Ave
Hamilton OH
Sunday Sept 19 (not this weekend, but next)
12:30 p.m. for family
1:00 p.m. to 3 :00 p. m. for visitation
3:00 p.m. to ------- a short service
The Obit has not been posted to Brown Dawson's web at this point.
You might want to check the web site later or call the Funeral Home for more info. It will be in the Hamilton Journal on Sunday.
In lieu of flowers it is suggested that you give to the American Heart Association or a Diabetes charity organization. The funeral home said that they would just discard the flowers or family members would take them home.
Roy Jr had made his own arrangements and wishes for Cremation.
If you plan to attend the funeral and would like to say a few words, write a Eulogy, or post a comment on a comment board at the funeral home, the family will appreciate it. If you can't attend and would like to send a note to the funeral home, that would be good also. The family will appreciate your memories of Roy Jr.
I will be away from email for the next several days.
Please keep the family in your prayers