From Charles Peters:
The W.C. Peters Family Reunion is scheduled to happen on Sunday, June 24, 2012, Levi Jackson State Park, London KY.
This year's reunion will be located in Shelter House #2, which is a change from the past 2 years. Shelter 2 is larger, has bathrooms within the shelter, the ground surrounding the shelter is flat and safer for our children to play, has swings, a basketball goal, 2 horseshoe pits,etc.
It is closer to the Camping Park and the Putt Putt Golf Course. Shelter #2 is located just down the the street on the right from Shelter #1 where we were last year.
The downside to this change in location is that it does cost more to rent for a full day, but I believe it is a good move since they are still using porta pots at shelter 1 and shelter 2 has a better play area, and the shelter is larger.
Mark your calendars and make your plans to attend this year's W.C. Peters Family Reunion.