Would you like to share your old family photos? Randy McIntosh has volunteered to scan your old photos so they can be shared electronically. He asks that you bring them to the reunion, he'll take them home and scan them, then return the originals plus an electronic copy to you.
In an email to me, Randy McIntosh wrote: I was wondering if people might bring some of their old family pictures (reunions and just old photos in general) to the reunion and I could scan them (at home) and send them back. That way we could get pictures on disk to people who had computers.
Randy has done a great job capturing family memories with his camera and he has scanned hundreds of old family photos.
Did you know that - if you have old negatives but don't have the photo, the negatives can be scanned and converted to a viewable photo electronically? This photo of Edna Peters (my grandmother, and wife of Roy Peters), Connie Theresa Miller (my aunt), Elizabeth Peters (my aunt) and Fay Peters (my mother) was scanned from a negative by Cindy (Miller) Richmond (daughter of Lee Roy Miller and granddaughter of Connie T. Miller).