I'm Willa Benge, not really a Peters, but my brothers are, so that makes me a Peters, right?
My Mother, Grace Davis, married Billy Peters when she was 18. It seemed like an unlikely union since he was older and had already lost two wives, and he had children who was older than she! Back then, marriage could be a matter of convenience. Billy was established in the community, and Mother was from a family of 12 kids, and looking for a way out. But somehow their union clicked! I've always thought Mother really loved Billy Peters. He taught her so much more than she learned in school. She loved learning, and he loved teaching.
Together, they had three sons, William Brock, Ernest Christopher, and Armon Edsel--my brothers.
WW2 was raging in 1941(?) when Billy died. Billy was Tax Commissioner (an elected position who's job is to assess the value of property for taxes). Mother was appointed to fill his unexpired term, and went on to be elected.
In comes my father, George Roberts, a suave, debonair Clay Countian, who courted Mother unrelentlessly. He won her heart purely on ingenuity and tenacity.
Mother finally succumed to to his wooing, and they married on 9-29-43. I was born 9 months and 10 minutes later on July 17, 1944.
I am not sure who the others in the picture are, but I was fortunate enough to spend time with Grandma Grace after I married Phil. She told me a little bit about her and WC. She said that when she was very young, she used to play with Aunt Martha and WC would rescue her and Aunt Martha from her brother George, Phil's grandfather, and his friends when the boys would steal their dolls. When I asked Grandma if she ever thought that she would marry WC, she said no, but that later on she knew that he needed help and she loved him, so she married him. Knowing and talking with Grandma Grace was an honor and I am so grateful that she opened up her home to us when we came to visit during reunion weekend. Her rememberances will be something that Phil & I can leave with our girls, and I know that even now they are thrilled to be part of the Peters family history.
Bertha Peters
Mark, the lady on the far left is
Grace. The lady between Dad and the
other gentleman is Aunt Martha. I'm
not sure but would the gentleman be
Uncle George? Ok so I should have
wrote down the order before I came
to the comment form!!!!! Aunt Lou
is the taller lady I believe third
from left. Aunt Ida and Aunt Stella
are two of the others. One I'm not
sure, the one standing out front.
Libby Pennington
W.C. Peters died before the start of World War II in 1941. The war started in Dec. 1941 and I believe grandpa died in March of 1941 does anyone know the exact date?
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