Mary Parsons has suggested that we put together and circulate a list of names of family members who are currently in the military for the purpose of sending them encouraging notes, etc.
If you know of any family members currently serving, please click on the "__comments" line at the bottom of this posting and let me know as much of the following as possible: Name of the family member in military service, branch of service, mail address (APO, etc), email address, birthday, photo if available (you can email photos to me at mdunwurkin@yahoo.com) - and anything additional you think may be helpful.
I'll wait about a week for your responses after which time I'll put a list of their names and addresses on this web site - and possibly some of their photo's. Then all of us will be able to write them or send them a "goodie" package - a card every now and then - anything to show them that we support and encourage them.

(Thanks to Mary for the suggestion!)
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